Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Caffeine boost and sugar boost!

I've never had much of a sweet tooth before. Pudding has always been something I can happily leave in favour of having a starter! I'll always choose a bag of crisps over a pack of sweets and I have memories of my mum, in October, saying to me; "Can I have your Easter Egg? I need space for the Christmas sweets."

This past six months couldn't be more different. I constantly crave sweets, specifically sour skittles! I need coffee, I constantly think about chocolate and often find myself rummaging in the cupboards for something, ANYTHING sweet.

Having tapped a quick search in to google 'depression sugar', hundreds of sites pop up linking sugar and depression. Sugar, and surely caffiene, give you a boost. Your blood-sugar will peak and it will satisfy that craving. But what comes up must come down.  I'm pretty sure that I don't feel miserable or 'depressed' when I go through my sugar crash but my body obviously wants more of it.

What a dangerous cycle to be trapped in. What to do though? My body wants chemicals, carbs and everything that won't help. Thus far I've given in to the cravings thinking that if my body wants it then I should allow my body to have it.

Flawed logic? Probably!

So now, armed with one and a half cups of coffee...I've nearly finished my second, I will make this pledge. I will BEGIN to eat fresher, better. I will put more thought in to the 'bad stuff' I'm putting in to my body. I intend to get back to how I ate before I became ill.

Fresh food was always my thing. I used to crave veggies, eat an apple for morning snack and would eat chips maybe once a week.

I owe it to myself to give my body a fighting chance to recover. I can only recover if I give my body the good quality fuel it needs.

Wish me luck! Let's do this!!

sr x

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