Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Counselling was interesting.  I still am not convinced that it's proving very useful, she didn't seem to pick up and take forward the things I said I wanted to discuss or explore.

I'm holding fire though, it may still prove to be a positive and enlightening experience.

So at the end of this session I had the word 'CBT' introduced to me.

CBT, or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, as I understand it, is a training that you go through to switch your brain away from a pattern of negative thoughts.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I honestly believe I don't have a negative thought pattern. I might have to go back and read over my blog to work out whether it is, indeed, largely positive or negative.  I'm pretty sure I have a positive, pro-active attitude and that although things do bother me, I try to discuss things before they become an issue. For example, a slight disagreement about who's doing what housework; if discussed and a plan of action is agreed upon, it surely no longer needs to be a problem.

My homework from counselling is to write down three scenarios that happen to me. I have to write down what I think and what I feel.  This seems relatively simple to start with. I then have to bring the sheet back with me and we will discuss what thoughts I could have had about those situations which were more positive.

I will be sure to think about this carefully as I go through the next two weeks. I'll ask my partner to be on the look out for any negative comments of mine that I can use as an example. I assume that CBT is to make you more aware of those negative thoughts. It can be entirely plausible that I am a negative person or have a negative thought pattern but that I'm just simply not aware of it.

The Mind website, a mental health website to support people with their mental health has some information on CBT.  I can understand how it should and will work, I'm simply still not sure that it feels relevant.  We'll soon see I guess. I'm willing to try anything to support myself and get myself better.

sr x

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