Well my healthy eating kick seems to be going well. I've cut out all snacks which was super hard and have been eating loads of yummy, fresh, healthy food.
I'm a notorious snacker. I'm the kind of person that likes to eat every couple of hours and I hate feeling hungry. I've been telling myself that I don't need these snacks and that I just need to train my body to not need feeding every few hours.
Before Easter I was taking Mirtazipine. It's a medicine that is supposed to support sleeping and help the effects of the antidepressants. The side effect of this was massive. I was constantly wanting and needing to eat. I would have blood sugar drops and feel shaky and dizzy if I wasn't fed every two hours. I ate like a horse! Two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners and snacks! And honestly, I could have eaten more but I refrained because I thought the quantity of food I was eating was, quite simple, ridiculous.
Needless to say, the doctor only kept me on those tablets for a couple of months. I'm now taking a different medication and the excessive need for food has stopped. I managed to put all of the weight on that dropped off me from previously not eating and I also put on another half a stone on top of that!
So now comes the time that I'm going to purposely and consciously regulate my eating habits again. It feels good. I'm eating healthily and there's something satisfying about controlling your food intake. For some reason I just feel better about myself when I'm monitoring my calorie consumption.
It's going well so far. I've lost 4lb in about a week and a half. I'll continue this until I drop down to a weight which is right for my frame. Currently I'm 11st, I'll aim to drop about one and a half stone to bring me down to 9st 7 ish.
I love having a specific target, a goal to aim for.
I'll keep you updated,
sr x
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